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English (अंग्रेज़ी) Set- 02

(SOLVED),CTET Paper 1 |CLASS 1 TO 5 | Set- 02, (English) अंग्रेज़ी | 2021-22

Directions (Qs. No. 1-8): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct/most appropriate options: 

1. Chennai is on alert against quack doctors, whom official say vex the city every year during its fever season. The news comes as a reminder of the epidemic of quackery in India: unqualified, unlicensed practitioners account for a staggering proportion of the country’s healthcare workforce. 2. In the past decade, an estimated 1,500 quack doctors have been booked in the Tamil Nadu state capital but official say that despite making arrests, it is difficult to effectively crack down on the phenomenon. The main reason is lax penalties: “They get bail or pay fine and restart practice”, said Dr. K. Kolandaisamy, director of public health in the city. “The only way to stop this is to book quacks for attempt to murder or murder charges”, adds Dr. T.N. Ravi Shankar, former head of the Tamil Nadu chapter of the Indian Medical Association (IMA). 3. Quackery is not a problem limited to Chennai, or to Tamil Nadu where 50,000 quack doctors operate according to the IMA. It is endemic throughout India. 

4. At the national level, 25 per cent of the healthcare workforce in India lacks the qualifications required: a network of quacks, “traditional birth attendants, faith healers, snakebite curers and bonesetters”. Between one and 2.5 million people practise numerous other complications. One million Indians lose their lives to subpar healthcare every year, driven in part by a sizeable number of workers without training or qualifications. 

Often, these quack doctors are the only immediately available help for a significant proportion of India’s population such as those in areas underserved by medical professionals. With a significant shortage of doctors, it is clear that the quackery epidemic did not originate in a vacuum- and as officials in Chennai point out, they can win over the trust of their patients.

1. According to the author many quack doctors in Chennai. 

A. are rendering a very useful service. 

B. correctly diagnose various ailments. 

C. send patients to private labs to help the latter to make money. 

D. vex the city during its fever season.

2. It is difficult to take effective measures against the quack doctors because: 

A. they have the patronage of politicians. 

B. they bribe the police to protect themselves. 

C. they go underground when the authorities crack on them. 

D. the laws of the land are not very strict.

3. The only way to curb these measure is to: 

A. chop off the hands of these quacks. 

B. hang them without trial. 

C. to hang them publicly. 

D. book them for attempt to murder.

4. Read the following statements: 

(a) Quackery thrives in India because of less stringent taws. 

(b) There is an acute shortage of medical professionals in India. 

A. (a) is true and (b) is false.

B. (a) is false and (b) is true. 

C. Both (a) and (b) are false. 

D. Both (a) and (b) are true

5. The word “lax” used in para 2 means: 

A. lenient 

C. uncertain 

B. vague D. ambiguous

6. Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘sizeable’ as used in para 4 of the passage? 

A. unimportant

B. small  

C. invisible. 

D. inattentive

7. Which part of the speech is the underlined word in the following sentence? 

In the past decade, an-estimated 1500 quack doctors have been booked. 

A. Adjective

B. Noun  

C. Adverb 

D. Pronoun

8. Which part of the following sentence contains an error? 

(a) I will not/ (b) go unless/ (c) you do not/ (d) come. 

A. (a) 

B. (b)

C. (c) 

 D. (d)

Directions (Qs. No. 9-15): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct/ most appropriate options: 

1. My love of travelling and living in the exhilaration of the moment backfired, and I had to backtrack from the magnificent banks of the Ganges in the holy city of Hardwar, back down to Delhi to try and find a new route out of India. 

2. Arriving into Delhi in the afternoon, I scrambled around to find a bite to eat before sundown. I found 

a small restaurant near my hostel, but after a few bites of putrid, rotten flavoured chicken I had a bad feeling and left, meal unfinished, to try get an early night. 

3. But it was already too late. All it took was a few bites. The next morning I was up early and headed to the bus stop before sunrise, thankful to have a last- minute ticket on a long distance bus to Kathmandu. The dirty, rickety old bus left from a dusty underpass– not a bus stop or station in site. It was full of upright seats with nowhere to recline and rest for the massive 26-hour journey ahead. 

4. I was eight hours into a long windy journey through lush jungle when the food poisoning took hold. Without warning, I began violently vomiting- mostly into a bag I had, but also all over myself and my seat. 

5. Despite this being one of my more embarrassing travel stories, it wasn’t long before most of the other passengers were mad at me because the air conditioning wouldn’t work with the windows up. 6. But I had nowhere else to be sick; there were no buckets, trash cans, or bags that could hold my relentless evacuation of what felt like everything I’d 

ever eaten. 

There were only two other foreigners on the bus; women who offered me sips of water and medicine. I was sick, sticky and drifting in and out of feverish dreams for the next 18 hours until I was able to get to a hospital in Nepal. We passed through magnificent valleys through the Himalayas, I saw fireflies for the first time we passed picturesque towns and tiger sanctuaries. 

7. Despite being the sickest I’ve ever felt, in the most inconvenient of locations, I was constantly amazed by the beauty of India, and the kindness of the strangers I met along the way.

9. The food served to the narrator was: 

A. too spicy. 

B. tasteless.

C. rotten.

D. unhygienic.

 10. Select the option which is not true. 

The author had to experience extreme distress and discomfort while travelling to Kathmandu because:

A. the bus he was travelling in was old and rickety.

B. it was a long journey with no bus stop or station in sight. 

C. the upright bus seats didn’t allow him to recline.

D. his co-passengers smelled foul and talked very loudly.

11. How did the narrator’s co-passengers react when he began vomiting violently? 

A. Some of them asked the conductor to drop him at the next stop. 

B. The conductor offered the narrator a home remedy to help him. 

C. Some young passengers offered him their handker- chiefs to clean himself. 

D. Most of the passengers were mad at the narrator.

12. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage? 

A. Rickety Buses and Unfriendly People 

B. A Nightmarish Journey 

C. A Bus Journey in the Himalayas

D. Painful Memories

13. Which of the following words is similar in meaning to the word, ‘magnificient’ as used in the first paragraph of the passage? 

A. splendid 

B. cute. 

C. astonishing 

D. awful

14. Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘violently’ as used in para 4 of the passage? 

A. kindly

B. openly

C. peacefully 

D. weakly

15. Which part of the following sentence contains an error? 

(a) He asked his friend/ (b) when will he/ (c) return the book/ (d) borrowed by him. 

A. (d) 

C. (c) 

B. (a)

D. (b)

16. Which one of the following is the best correction technique? 

A. The learners should be corrected at the moment of speaking. 

B. Correction work should be done as a whole class activity so that no learner will repeat the errors. 

C. Learners’ errors need not be corrected at all.

D. Teachers do the error analysis and find patterns and then re-teach and clarify the areas to the learners.

17. As a language teacher we should try to turn our students into successful dictionary users. Which one of the following is NOT the correct way to promote the use of a dictionary? 

A. Finding the parts of speech. 

B. Choosing the meaning that is relevant in context.

C. How the word is spelt. 

D. Reaching the teacher for every new word.

18. In the language classroom a child often faces problems in learning his/her first language at school because 

A. learning his/her own language at school is not interesting 

B. school language is more formal than home language

C. the child knows that language and there is no point of learning the same language again 

D. that language is difficult for them to learn at school

19. Which one of the following is the best way to assess the writing skill of students? 

A. Answer the questions based on a chapter of the textbook. 

B. Dictation 

C. Writing their experiences 

D. Competition of good handwriting

20. Functional aspects of the language gained momentum of language learning. with the 

A. communicative approach 

B. structural approach 

C. constructive approach 

D. traditional approach

21. To assess reading ability at the primary level which one of the following is most appropriate? 

A. Identifying the alphabet 

B. Knowledge of punctuation marks 

C. Comprehension of the text 

D. Fluency in reading.

22. The method that is based on the coordination of language and physical movement is 

A. Task Based Language Learning 

B. Total Physical Response 

C. Cooperative Language Learning 

D. Communicative Language Teaching

23. Grammar-Translation method does not 

A. encourage learning through mother tongue 

B. give importance to grammar 

C. enhance a student’s communicative skill 

D. enable the student to use the language fluently

24. Which among the following supports a pre-reading activity? 

A. Using paraphrasing tasks 

B. Using a prediction task 

C. Asking learners to summarise the text 

D. Teaching grammatical structures

25. Which one of the following is not correct about portfolio assessment? 

A. Portfolio assessment provides evidence of a student’s learning. 

B. It helps students to become more autonomous. 

C. It fosters students reflection and helps them to self monitor their learning. 

D. Portfolio assessment is one time assessment of a student’s learning.

26. Scribbling is an important step in learning to write, because children are trying to 

A. produce letters and words right from the day they pick pen or pencil 

B. make meaning from the marks for them. 

C. spend some time in reading, writing and numeracy

D. imitate the adults

27. If children hear two languages spoken around them, this exposure to two languages will 

A. place children at a disadvantage. 

B. place children at an advantage. 

C. not make any difference. 

D. interfere mutually with the other one.

28. The grammar tasks are________

A. to be contextualised 

B. to be life-oriented 

C. fully form focused 

D. memory focused

29. Which of the following was suggested by Noam Chomsky? 

A. There is no fundamental ability of language when a child is born. 

B. Children acquire language in different ways and at different rates depending on the culture into which they are born. 

C. There is an innate human ability to acquire language.

D. Children learn language as a product of positive reinforcement.

30. A teacher is asking students to write letters of alphabet with the help of their fingers in the sand tray. The objective of this activity is to 

A. promote playful atmosphere in the class. 

B. make them understand the difference between clean and dirty hands. 

C. strengthen their fine motor skills. 

D. divert their attention from home sickness.

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